IT Support

IIS maintains a healthy computer infrastructure allowing its researchers immediate access to more than 2000 cores compute power based on Intel chips with, as well as dedicated server architectures such as Power8, various GPU servers, and an NVidia DGX-1 server shared with other institutes of D-ITET.

Most scientific computing is performed using Linux workstations, and individual workspaces are furbished with an assortment of Mac, Windows or Linux based computers based on the demands and preferences of our staff.

We provide reliable backup services, snapshots as well as online resources such as version control software (svn/git), a number of www servers and wiki services as well as a local shared data storage to satisfy the needs of our staff.

Unix, Network, Windows

Adam Feigin
  • ETZ J 97
  • +41 44 632 46 64
  • Email

Institut für Integrierte Systeme
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich

Unix, Network, Mac, Windows

Mateo Juric
  • ETZ J 97
  • +41 44 632 26 09
  • Email

Integrierte Informationsverarbeit.
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich