Free Datasets resulting from a joint effort between the Integrated Systems Laboratory and the Sleep-Wake-Epilepsy-Center (SWEC) of the University Department of Neurology at the Inselspital Bern
Datasets, source codes, and papers based on human intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) recorded and analysed during pre-surgical evaluations of patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsies at the Sleep-Wake-Epilepsy-Center (SWEC) of the University Department of Neurology at the Inselspital Bern are freely available on http://ieeg-swez.ethz.ch/ for research and education purposes.
Danny Luu receives best „young scientist“ paper award

Danny Luu, PhD student at the Integrated Systems Lab in the Analog and Mixed-Signal Design Group of Prof. Qiuting Huang, has received the best «young scientist» award at the European Solid-State Circuit Conference in Leuven, Belgium.
Material and Device Engineering Group Moves to the Institute for Electronics IfE
As per 1 August the research group of Vanessa Wood (Material and Device Engineering) has moved to the Institute for Electronics, IfE, to maintain this institute after the retirement of Prof. Gerhard Tröster in July of this year.
New Professor at IIS
On 1 August, Prof. Taekwang Jang (*1983) has started as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Analogue and Mixed Signal Interfaces.
Best Poster Award for IIS group team in Dublin

Philipp Mayer and Michele Magno of the Integrated Systems Laboratory Digital Group of Prof. Luca Benini received the best poster award at The 5th Workshop in Devices, Materials and Structures for Energy Harvesting and Storage from the Institute of Physics (IoP).