Welcome to Thomas Quanbrough

We are very pleased to welcome Thomas Quanbrough as Hansjörg Gisler's successor.

Hansjörg will be leaving us at the end of June to enjoy his well-deserved retirement.

We are very pleased to welcome Thomas Quanbrough as his successor. His first working day will be next Monday, March 03.

Below is a brief introduction to his education and work experience to date:


Thomas completed his training as an electronics technician at the ETH in 2013. He deepened his acquired knowledge through further education at a vocational school. He applied this expertise in the industry by working as a deputy head of department in an SMD production facility, where he and his team managed various projects to improve efficiency and ensure workplace safety.

After changing jobs, he took on the role of production manager at a company specializing in the development and manufacture of AI-based embedded computers. In this position, he had overall responsibility for the production and logistics departments. At the same time, he pursued further education, graduating as a federally certified production manager.

In his spare time, Thomas enjoys playing football (soccer) and squash. Additionally, he plays a trading card game and rides motorcycles.

He will initially share Hansjörg’s office (J 75) and report to Taekwang Jang.

Thank you for giving him a warm welcome.

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