Raphael Strebel and Michele Magno from the IIS won the best poster award at IPSN 2018
The paper entitled "Zero-power receiver for Touch Communication and Touch Sensing" by Raphael Strebel and Michele Magno from the Integrated Systems Lab has been selected as best poster at the 17th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '18).

On left Michele Magno, on right Raphael Strebel
The poster, was presented by Raphael Strebel and Michele Magno during the conference, which is part of the external page CPS Week, the premier event on external page Cyber-Physical Systems held in Porto on 10-13 April 2018. The paper is based on the invention of Michele Magno selected in March 2018 as TOP 5 inventions at ETH SPARK AWARD 2018.