
Two microchips made during the IcySoC project
Two microchips implementing four core PULP platforms can be seen in the picture. The big chip is realized using the EM-Marin 180nm technology and the smaller one in UMC 65nm technology.

The goal of the project is to combine energy efficient systems working in the sub-/near- threshold domain with approximate computing principles where the accuracy of the operations are traded off for lower energy consumption and/or circuit area. By combining the two methods, we investigate how much we can improve the performance of digital circuits, especially in the Internet of Things domain. IcySoC is a projected evaluated by the Swiss NSF and funded by Nano-Tera.ch and is performed in collaboration with the external page Telecommunication Circuits Laboratory  and external page Integrated Circuits Laboratory of EPFL, external page CSEM  and external page EM Marin Microlectronic.


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