
COREnect (European Core Technologies for future connectivity systems and components) is 2-year Coordination and Support Action project selected by the European Commission in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme, starting from 1st July 2020. In COREnect, European industry and R&D leaders from both the microelectronics and telecommunications sectors will jointly develop a high-level strategic roadmap of core technologies for future connectivity systems and components, targeting the next generation telecommunications networks and services.
Main objectives of COREnect are to:
Bring European major players in microelectronics and telecommunications together, developing a strategic roadmap of core technologies for future connectivity systems, decreasing European dependence on other continents and building technological sovereignty in 5G and beyond 5G;
Establish a connection and collaboration between the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) community and the Key Digital Technologies (KDT) community at the strategic research & innovation agenda level;
Promote COREnect results to stakeholders in both private and public sectors and create the condition for one or more European champion(s) in the domain of core technology for attaining technology sovereignty in future connectivity systems.
The goal of COREnect is to establish a sustainable European technology sovereignty in 5G and beyond, promote innovation and business opportunities e.g. for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), pave the way for one or more future European champions in this area, and lay a solid foundation for the long-term success of both industries.A new COREnect community will emerge from the close collaboration between Smart Networks and Services (SNS) and Key Digital Technologies (KDT) communities as well as with other related communities, e.g., on High-Performance Computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI), Photonics, IoT and Cloud. Through outreach activities via its extensive industry and academia network, COREnect will have the potential to significantly impact the European R&I and industry landscape of future connectivity systems over the next ten years.