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EPI (European Processor Initiative) consortium aims to bring a low-power microprocessor to the market and ensure that the key competences for high-end chip design remain in Europe. The European Union’s Horizon 2020 program funds this project with a special Framework Partnership Agreement. The initial stage is a three-year Specific Grant Agreement, which lasts until November 2021. Through a co-design approach, EPI will design and develop the first European HPC System for the HPC and automotive markets through several major streams of operation:

  • HPC general purpose processor
  • Accelerator
  • Automotive platform

The Digital Circuits and Systems Laboratory together with the Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory led by Torsten Hoefler are mainly involved in the Accelerator stream of the project developing energy efficient acceleration modules intended for artificial intelligence applications in an HPC setting.



external page https://www.european-processor-initiative.eu

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